Dr. Cyril Palerme (principal investigator) is a researcher working at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute since February 2018. He has been project investigator of the SEAFARING project (funded by the Norwegian Space Agency) and co-project investigator of the CMEMS IcySea project. In both projects, he has been in charge of the development of calibration methods for improving sea-ice drift forecasts using machine learning techniques. In COSI, he is responsible for the project management, as well as of the development of new statistical methods to improve the quality of sea-ice concentration forecasts. He also has strong expertise in atmospheric and cryospheric sciences, as well as in remote sensing.
Thomas Lavergne is a senior scientist at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute, with an expertise in satellite remote sensing of polar sea ice. He is engaged in a variety of international projects including the EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (OSI SAF), the ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI), and the Copernicus Marine and Climate Change services. He is the Principal Investigator for several remote sensing products at the OSI SAF and CCI, including sea-ice concentration and drift. Lavergne is engaged in the ESA/EU Mission Advisory Group (for the Copernicus Microwave Imaging Radiometer mission (CIMR MAG). In COSI, he leads WP2 and prepares the 5 km SIC satellite-based data based on recent ESA CCI developments.
Dr. Malte Müller is a senior scientist at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. He has experience in co-production and visualization of Arctic forecasts with end-users from various interdisciplinary projects. He is the project leader of the FOCUS project, which will be strategically connected to COSI in order to present the developed products to various end-users. In COSI, he utilizes an existing visualization framework, which was co developed with end-users in the SALIENSEAS project, to provide for an interactive map on the COSI project website.
Dr. Arne Melsom has worked as a senior scientist at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute since October 1992. He is presently the deputy leader in CMEMS ARC-MFC, and also represents this centre in CMEMS’ Product Quality Working Group. His relevant work experience includes development of sea ice validation metrics, and examinations of results from ocean ensemble simulations. In COSI, he works with evaluations of results for sea ice concentration from the products derived from application of machine learning algorithms.
Dr. Laurent Bertino is the leader of the data assimilation group at NERSC and leader of the Arctic MFC since 2015. He has 20 years of experience in Arctic sea ice forecasting and data assimilation and knows the systematic deficiencies of the present forecasts. In COSI, he contributes to the evaluation of the calibrated results and ensure both the synchronization and uptake in the Arctic MFC catalog.
Dr. Julien Brajard is a senior researcher at NERSC and has 15 years of experience in machine learning and data assimilation in oceanography. He has recently worked on Arctic sea ice data under the ESA Digital Twin Ocean prototype. He contributes to the design of the machine learning models and to the interpretation of the results for further improvement of the forecasting system.